Help!! Site Down!! C5 Upgrade problem

Hi folks, I really hope someone can help. I tried to upgrade to from but didn't realise that the server was almost out space. I got this error when trying to download the update:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ')' in /home/refacesc/public_html/config/site.php on line 8

I increased space on the server and deleted the folder from /updates. I then ran the update again and am getting "An unexpected error occurred" (full error below). This is appearing on the homepage and the site is down.
I tried to run it again but it's saying no updates are available. I tried to do a Backup Database Restore (I did a backup just before). But that's coming up as being invalid.

I am in trouble here and I don't know what to do. Any help VERY gratefully received.
Thanks, Dan

Full error on homepage:
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Blocks.btCachedBlockRecord' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select CollectionVersionBlocks.isOriginal, Blocks.btCachedBlockRecord, BlockTypes.pkgID, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideAreaPermissions, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbDisplayOrder, Blocks.bIsActive, Blocks.bID, Blocks.btID, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, btHandle, Blocks.uID from CollectionVersionBlocks inner join Blocks on (CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = Blocks.bID) inner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where CollectionVersionBlocks.arHandle = 'Header' and CollectionVersionBlocks.cID = '1' and (CollectionVersionBlocks.cvID = '35' or CollectionVersionBlocks.cbIncludeAll=1) and CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = '24'")

webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply

Find by config/site.php this line
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.1.2');?>

and write new
<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.0.1');?>

Restore Backup Database and after it run on the old Version.

After you can try run your Update again.

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Might be you forgot to comment the line for upgrade in site.php

//define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concretex.x.x.x');

DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I'm breathing again. Even though it said that restoring from the backup failed I read that you should also delete line 8 on config/site.php. I removed that line completely and it started working again. However when I look at the file there is now no line8. I assumed that it would regenerate the PASSWORD SALT stuff but there's nothing there now. Is this right/dangerous? I tried just adding in the correct version number but it didn't work. Deleting the line completely did.

A big worry is that I need to urgently install an add-on that requires the latest version of c5. A directory concrete5.6.1.2_updater is there on the server but c5 isn't seeing it. What's the best way of deleting it? I did it via my FTP program before but c5 kept saying that it was there (even though it had been deleted).

Really sorry for the long questions. I'm not the best when it comes to this stuff I'm afraid.

Thanks again.
webpresso replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Was the PASSWORD_SALT on line8? If so, look here:

Run your Site now in Version: concrete5.6.0.1

If so, delete the update folder concrete5.6.1.2_updater with ftp

Download the Latest Stab Version here:

Unzip and upload this version. Go to this site
and run the Update.

Good Luck
DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Innotix, I have my local development version of the site that existed before I uploaded the live version. Would that have the same PASSWORD_SALT?

Thanks again.
webpresso replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, the Password_salt is the same.
DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your info. Very much appreciated.