help with .htaccess interfering with 3rd party scripts

Hi. I really hope you guys can help, I'm at my wit's end. I've launched my first concrete5 site, Big learning curve, but it's live and all is working well, and very happy using concrete5.

However having one issue. We have a newsletter system installed in a subdirectory /newsletter/ which has a mailing list and template and lets us send out a monthly newsletter. Creating the newsletter is a multistep form and we were getting some redirects to the concrete5 404 page while updating the newsletter, so I figured it was an issue with the concrete 5 .htaccess redirect interfering. So I added the following to the Rewrite Conditions:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/newsletter/.*$ [NC]

That didn't fix it, so then I thought it might be a caching issue, so I disabled gzip and expires cacheing by creating a new .htaccess in the /newsletter subdirectory with the following:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive Off
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE text/plain
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE text/html
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE text/xml
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE text/css
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE application/xml
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE application/rss+xml
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE application/javascript
RemoveOutputFilter DEFLATE application/x-javascript

But that still didn't fix the issue. Do you know of any way to make sure my 3rd party newsletter script is totally separate from my concrete5 install and .htaccess directives? I'm not sure what else to try. In a nutshell the problem is that, 50% of the time when clicking save on the newsletter form goes to a concrete5 themed 404 page. The rest of the time it says saved, but when going back it's like an old version... as if it's cached. Clearing the cache works for a minute, but then the same problem comes back.

a575606 replied on at Permalink Reply
FYI, after more research, changing the main .htaccess by adding this condition seems to have improved things, just in case someone else is facing the same issue:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/newsletter[NC]
RewriteRule (.*) $1 [L]
... normal concrete5 pretty url code ...