Help with displaying Page Owner in blog entry

I've seen this requested before - but I haven't found a working solution yet...

I want to display the "Owner" (set through properties/attributes) as the "Author" of a blog entry. I see that the author is obtained here (in blog_entry.php):

<div class="pageSection">
<h1><?php  echo $c->getCollectionName(); ?></h1>
<p class="meta"><?php  echo t('Posted by')?> <?php  echo $c->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName(); ?> on <?php  echo $c->getCollectionDatePublic('F j, Y'); ?></p>      

This echos the original creator of the page. If the editor "edits" the blog post, they become the "Author".

I want to have a site editor enter or edit a blog post for another user and set the "Owner" attribute (so that the appropriate user is shown as the "Author"). Is there a way to do display the "Owner" attribute rather than the creator or last editor of the page? I assume I'll have to do something similar in the page list (for the blog index to use the "Owner")?


srk replied on at Permalink Reply
I did find that:

instead of

does get me closer. But that gives the user ID (number)... I need to get the name now.
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Unfortunately you're going to need to do this in a few steps, this should work.

$userID = $c->getCollectionUserID();
$u = User::getByUserID($userID);
$userName = $u->getUserName();
srk replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. I tried:
<div class="pageSection">
   <h1><?php  echo $c->getCollectionName(); ?></h1>
   <p class="meta"><?php  echo t('Posted by')?> 
   <?php $userID = $c->getCollectionUserID();
   $u = User::getByUserID($userID);
   $userName = $u->getUserName();
   echo $username; ?> on <?php  echo $c->getCollectionDatePublic('F j, Y'); ?></p>      

but it doesn't output anything. At least it's not throwing an error, so I might be closer! I'm not confident/competent enough to be sure my syntax is correct.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This all looks good except that your $userName variable doesn't match case in both places. If you match the case in both places it should work.
srk replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep. Syntax got me! This works just as I intended. I applied it similarly to the page list and that works too.
Thanks so much.