help with extending the Form block
I'm trying to extend the Form block to enable the user to choose an email recipient.
It is partway there; the problem is that it doesn't actually send an email to the selected user. Secondly, I can't figure out how to limit the users to a group.
If anyone would be willing to help, I'd be most grateful. Here is the code that has been added:
I've also attached the revised block in case that would be helpful.
It is partway there; the problem is that it doesn't actually send an email to the selected user. Secondly, I can't figure out how to limit the users to a group.
If anyone would be willing to help, I'd be most grateful. Here is the code that has been added:
case 'contactlist': $val=($_REQUEST['Question'.$msqID])?$_REQUEST['Question'.$msqID]:''; Loader::model('user_list'); $ul = new UserList(); if (intval($questionData['contactGroup']) != 0) { $group = Group::getByID(intval($questionData['contactGroup'])); $ul->filterByGroup($group->gName); } $uiList = $ul->get(); if (intval($questionData['contactAttribute']) > 0) { $uak = new UserAttributeKey(); $uak = $uak->get($questionData['contactAttribute']); } $html = '<select name="Question'.$msqID.'" style="width:95%">'; foreach ($uiList as $uiTmp) {
Viewing 15 lines of 27 lines. View entire code block.
I've also attached the revised block in case that would be helpful.
First, I edited the controller.php for the built-in form block to do two things:
Find the email address and send a user email at the same time it sends the administrator email. See my edits listed under comments 5/18/10 in the controller.php (attached).
Second, I created block_form_submission_user.php as a template for the email form I wanted to send the user. In my case, it is an auto-confirmation email to users who registered to exhibit at a show. Attached, also.
Third, I uploaded these to files to their proper places, so not to override any of the C5 core. My modified controller file goes in root/blocks/forms. My email template goes in root/mail.
Lastly, I went to the dashboard and refreshed the form block, and ... voila!
It would be great if someone (maybe me) I wrote a proper update, so one could indicate the email field without the cheesy little hack I have: look for the field with an @ symbol.
Hope that helps!