Help with plugin generating latin
I'm running the latest version of concrete5 and have installed the 'example faq' plugin. It's working fine, but whenever I add an entry to a FAQ, when you click on 'read more' option a whole load of latin appears after the faq entry:
"Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. Fusce auctor sapien eu mauris malesuada vel euismod orci vulputate. Curabitur at orci id quam mollis rhoncus vitae volutpat urna. Nam eget sapien at neque mollis varius sed vitae ipsum. Vestibulum commodo, eros sit amet sagittis cursus, massa mi lacinia lorem, vel pellentesque sapien purus eu lacus. Pellentesque mollis gravida enim. Fusce mi odio, elementum ut fermentum a, pharetra in quam"
Searching the whole of the concrete5 isntallation shows
./concrete/config/install/sample_content.sql:1010: ,(16,'<p>Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. ....
Why is it appearing in the FAQ?
I'm running the latest version of concrete5 and have installed the 'example faq' plugin. It's working fine, but whenever I add an entry to a FAQ, when you click on 'read more' option a whole load of latin appears after the faq entry:
"Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. Fusce auctor sapien eu mauris malesuada vel euismod orci vulputate. Curabitur at orci id quam mollis rhoncus vitae volutpat urna. Nam eget sapien at neque mollis varius sed vitae ipsum. Vestibulum commodo, eros sit amet sagittis cursus, massa mi lacinia lorem, vel pellentesque sapien purus eu lacus. Pellentesque mollis gravida enim. Fusce mi odio, elementum ut fermentum a, pharetra in quam"
Searching the whole of the concrete5 isntallation shows
./concrete/config/install/sample_content.sql:1010: ,(16,'<p>Duis dapibus nibh eu arcu viverra tempor. ....
Why is it appearing in the FAQ?
I'm running 5.5.1
I posted here because the random latin data seems to be coming from a base concrete5 install and maybe I have to disable some kind of example data from the site as I did install concrete5 with the sample site option (./concrete/config/install/sample_content.sql:1010)
Also, I did post at the plug-ins page but I don't know if it was still supported and whethere it was actively browsed to.
I posted here because the random latin data seems to be coming from a base concrete5 install and maybe I have to disable some kind of example data from the site as I did install concrete5 with the sample site option (./concrete/config/install/sample_content.sql:1010)
Also, I did post at the plug-ins page but I don't know if it was still supported and whethere it was actively browsed to.
also, go to the addon's page and click support. They will be able to help you better there.