Hide Scrapbook Blocks from Users/Groups


I'm looking to hide scrapbook entries from particular users/groups. This way, when a particular user wants to add from the scrapbook only certain blocks show for them.

I am trying to use this method so users under certain business divisions can only add a particular set of left-hand navigation links. For example, only the human resources links block shows for human resources users instead of everything showing. If there is a better method for the same idea, I am open to suggestions.

Note: When I turn off permissions for reading, writing, and deleting under scrapbook the users do get an "access denied" message, but the block is still added yet they cannot see it. Admin's can see that the block was added, which is a problem. I would prefer they could not see scrapbook entries they shouldn't see when choosing which scrapbook block to add.

Thank you in advanced.