Hiding blocks from IE possible?

So I'm having MANY issues with my site in IE7. I'm not going to worry about IE6 at all, however IE8 I've gotten to a certain point that its somewhat okay.

But if a user is using IE 7 or 8, I'd like to hide the partner logos and social links row (I have them setup as span 6 and span7).

I have the four info boxes below that are which the background image is also not wrapping to cover all the text. If I could have it only show the titles and not truncate any text too?

So close to being done but of course IE is being a jerk.http://staginga.certain.com

Thank you all!

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You can achieve this with IE conditional comments
(ignored by other browsers), with some styles within them which make the stuff you want to hide display:none.

This can be either discrete styles or a link to an IE specific style sheet. If it is just a small amount of css, I would go for in line styles as they carry the strength to override.

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<style  type="text/css"> 
#page-area .selectors .for. what .you .want .to .hide {

You would probably want to put such either to the end of your theme header (for correct markup), or in an html block at the start of the page (actually invalid markup, but it works).

The comments make the styles invisible to all browsers except the versions of IE they target.
mroberte replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much for this info! I'll give it a try and see if I can hide some blocks - IE is killing me!