/home redirection
When I tryhttp://www.mydomain.com/home it redirects towww.www.mydomain.com/index.php?cID=1...
I want the URL to stay ashttp://www.mydomain.com/home
Any help on this regard is much appreciated.
I want the URL to stay ashttp://www.mydomain.com/home
Any help on this regard is much appreciated.

Have you enabled pretty URLs from Dashboard > System and settings?
Yeah.. I have enabled the pretty URL in the sitewide settings. Also added define('URL_REWRITING_ALL', true); in the site.php
Have you tried turning them off and back on again, or clearing your cache? Other than that I'm not sure. I would try doing some server/webhost specific searches. There's lots of different info on similar issues in the forums.
EDIT: Maybe this recent post will help...
EDIT: Maybe this recent post will help...
Thanks for your time enlil. Will try fixing the issue and post the update if I found a solution.