Homepage - 5.6 PageType controller action not firing

On my home page, I have a form that submits to the controller:

Home.php (page type)
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->action('foo') ?>" >

Page Type Controller:
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
class HomePageTypeController extends Controller {
public function on_start(){
$this->set('userCodePosted', '1234567890');

public function foo() {
$this->set('userCodePosted', '0987654321');

The "on_start()" action works fine on page load, but when I submit to "foo()" the controller, nothing happens. The page reloads and $userCodePosted is not updated. I don't think "foo()" is firing at all.

Can a homepage have actions? Anyone else have this issue.
