Hooking into default concrete5 functionality through packages

Is there any way to hook into default functionality in a package? In this particular example I want to add a field to the Image block. I could pull the block into my package and have my block override the default one, but I would expect that to result in a lot of errors.

glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Depending on exactly what you want to do, you may be able to get to your goal using a custom template for the existing image block.

I'm not sure what you want your custom field to be, but I've found in previous cases that I was able to use file attributes to accomplish what I wanted to do.

For example, the title or description of the selected image can be outputted as a caption, etc. So if the field is closely tied to an image, it might be possible to go that route.
kevinclearsight replied on at Permalink Reply
Custom File Attributes, that may very well be what I'm looking for! Thanks!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If the above advice does not sort you out (its always the best starting point) you could look up Jordanlev's designer content block. Use that to create the elements you need in your block, then tweak the way it displays in the created view.