How can i make a link on a parent element of an editable region editable?

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I have a page with numerous grid items all over the page, each one has editable content, here is the HTML for one of those grid items:

<a href="[MAKE THIS EDITABLE]" class="grid--half grid-item">
  <h3 class="h6">
    <?php $content = new Area('ContactSmallBlockTitle03');
      $content->display($c); ?>

See the [MAKE THIS EDITABLE] in the <a> tag? How in concrete5 can i make this editable? I was thinking page attributes, but there are many grid items on a page and having to edit the page attributes off page through the menus, rather than on it isnt very user friendly in my opinion, i'd like some other way of editing that link through the frontend like we do with content blocks.

Any help or recommendations appreciated.


mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I built this custom block to address the issue. I hope it helps.

-Unzip the attached archive to your computer.
-Upload the resulting 'link_plus' folder to your [root]/blocks' folder.
-Visit 'Dashboard->Block Types' and install the 'Link Plus' block.
-Add the 'Link Plus' block to your page.

I used jordanlev's great free add-on, 'Designer Content' to build the block.