How can I stop concrete5 from changing urls
I've got a built-in navigation:
Like you see, the url changes, each time you click a navigation. Unfortunately when I'm in editing mode, concrete5 will change
for example
How can I prevent that ?
Any hint, even a link to the documentation will help!
Like you see, the url changes, each time you click a navigation. Unfortunately when I'm in editing mode, concrete5 will change
for example
How can I prevent that ?
Any hint, even a link to the documentation will help!

you can't, that string of numbers tells c5 that the page is in edit mode.
Hmm, ok, well here's a thought - looking at your site, you don't actually have separate pages, you just have one page with a load of ajax which is moving content around...
(I'll skip the tempting rant about accessibility etc... ;>)
One thing you could do is put the javascript that hides all of your additional content inside an if statement. I think it's something like Check the forums for exact syntax, that might not be correct. This way, when you put your site into edit mode, all of your content is instantly visible and everything can be edited / updated on a single page.
Does that help??
(I'll skip the tempting rant about accessibility etc... ;>)
One thing you could do is put the javascript that hides all of your additional content inside an if statement. I think it's something like
if (!$c->isEditMode) { }
Does that help??
Jep, that helped! Thanks a lot! I will try this out.