How is a Right Sidebar page defined?
Using Greek_Yogurt as a learning theme, I notice there is a left_sidebar.php script but no right_sidebar.php script. How is the right_sidebar defined?
Many thanks...
Many thanks...
Here's an example right_sidebar.php file modified from the greek yogurt left_sidebar.php. Unzip it and drop it in your root/page_types/ folder and install it through the dashboard.
Thank you! That answers a large part of my question. The other part is when I go to create a new page (without installing the right_sidebar.php -- yet), I notice that there are all of the page Types, including Right Sidebar. Where is the source for those default Page Types?
The reason for these questions is that my current side, , has all custom page types that are way too complex (yes, I take responsibility). I want to simplify the site using a custom theme based on something that is simpler -- cleaner. So, I am getting acquainted with the inner workings of C5.
Thank you for your assistance...
The reason for these questions is that my current side, , has all custom page types that are way too complex (yes, I take responsibility). I want to simplify the site using a custom theme based on something that is simpler -- cleaner. So, I am getting acquainted with the inner workings of C5.
Thank you for your assistance...
take a look in root/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/
there you'll find all the page types that come with that theme. Never modify anything in that folder though. If you want to create a new type, copy one of the files to root/page_types. Make your mods and then install through dashboard.
EDIT: greek yogurt contains left_sidebar, full, and blog_entry types
there you'll find all the page types that come with that theme. Never modify anything in that folder though. If you want to create a new type, copy one of the files to root/page_types. Make your mods and then install through dashboard.
EDIT: greek yogurt contains left_sidebar, full, and blog_entry types
Yes, that is what I found. The confusion came when I experimented and went to create a new page: many other Page Types are present -- more than the ones I/you indicate. Am I missing something so obvious that I do not "see" it?
as in when you try to change a pages type, theres more page types than just those in that theme? Do you have other themes installed? If so you're probably seeing the types from that theme??
Yup, that must be the answer. I downloaded the demo for a starting skeleton and it has several.
Many thanks!
Many thanks!