How to add own contacts us page

I want to add contact us form in my website for this purpose i created one content box.i add one block for the text and address but i am not able to add the contact us form in same container it gives me edit option or it tells me to create another content box and add the form in that box.

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Add the form block below your text using add block option. If your adding a form through html than use the html block and add it below your text using the add block option. If your using php than theres a block for that as well, you will have to download from market but its free.
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ekko,
Thanks for your reply when i tried to add block it creates the another block what i want to do is add the form in same block if i use the html block then i cannot edit the contents.
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I want to create the same structure in content block
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I understand what your doing. You have the contact us page that comes default on install, and there is already a form there, that is not the one you want.

If thats the case you can either click edit on the form that is there and change the questions and answers or just delete it and put your own.

To edit click the form and press edit. Inside the form edit area will be top tabs like add, edit etc. Play with it a bit and you will quickly be able to edit it to what you need it to be.

Alternatively just delete it, and add your own form block in its place.
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
let me explain in more details actually there are 2 containers the first one have right structure and the second one has the form.What i want is the first one should have the form with text i don't need the second one.

I hope you will understand.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, from where you are now with the title up, add the form just like you were. For the first question field you will need to have a question as the standard form block does not have an option to leave a question field blank. You can do this through html and there is a block in the marketplace advanced forms that I think does this as well.

For the first question I suggest "Read the good book" and than add your answer fields with "checkbox list" as answer type which will be an option while adding. It goes Question, Answer Type, Answer options.

Question "Read the good book ?",
Answer type - Checkbox list

Answer options = Yes send me the ...
No I got one last week
etc etc

each of the lines "yes send me the.. and the rest all need to be added on a new line. This will give you options the user can select as boxes as you showed in screenshot.

All the others are standard answer types except the last two, for questions comments use text area instead of text field, and for newsletter use select box adding yes, and no on different lines just as you did for the send me a bible field. This will give an area box for questions/ comments and a select box as you showed in screenshot.
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
No what i did is i removed the block and added the new html block with the text now it's look good but now i want to write the email sending function but where should i write it.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Place the .php your calling for your html block in the root controller file ex. public html/controllers
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
@Ekko it could be that he needs a full width template with just one editable region in which case he could create one just for his contact us page?
Just a thought..
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
Right that's exactly what i am looking
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
What theme are you using?
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
i have created my own theme
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay then you should be able to create a new template based on your themes default template, call it full_width.php and add it to your theme package, you will have to configure the width of the editable region with your css file
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply
how to add full_width.php to my theme
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
When you created your theme you must have created a default.php file (the one you are using now) just copy the default.php file, rename it to full_width.php and edit the code to remove the unwanted editable region, rename the remaining editable region so as not to cause any conflicts with your default.php editable regions and then add some code to your css file to set the width and position,
Upload it to your theme folder and add it as a selection from the dashboard..
kailas replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks,I have attached one screen shot i want to create the same structure in my block.When i tried it in the block i cannot insert multiple contents like form or content box.i need to set with only one container.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Then you will have to hard code your full-width.php template, unless you are proficient at html and css I would advice against it,
I am at a loss to understand why you require to put all the elements into one container because when the page is published all the elements appear together seamlessly anyway?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Having read your posts again,
It looks like @Ekko has already advised you to edit the form block to add all the elements/questions/answers that you need in the one form,
Would that not work for you?