How to add phpBB forum to concrete5?

That sums it up! My uncle will do the installing bit on the server, I'd like to make it less time consuming for him by doing any bit that I nee to. Though I must say, I'm still in two minds about this.

Job replied on at Permalink Reply
Building it in fully would take yonks and a deep understanding.

Perhaps you'd be better setting it up outside of Concrete5 and using an iframe to pull in the forum.

If you're wanting full integration, I'd suggest using Discussion Forums addon found here:

If this answer helps, be sure to mark it as an answer!

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree, integrating a software like phpBB is a huge task. Just think about how you'd sync the user databases. If you don't use the concrete5 user system, it might be okay, but if you manage users in both systems, it's going to be a pain in the foot (I think certain words are blocked ;-)

In addition to the discussion add-on already mentioned, there's a free alternative: I haven't used it before, can't say anything about it but you might want to give it a try before spending some money.
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
There's me not researching properly.
Be sure to report back so future readers know what the block is like.

CygnetMidwest replied on at Permalink Reply
We wanted to do the same thing at one time. There used to be a phpBB to C5 bridge that would automagically sync users, but it is not longer available.

What would be really nice is if there were a phpBB importer to bring posts and users into the C5 discussions.
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
If there's a real demand for it, I can't see it being all that difficult really ...
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think synchronizing the users will be enough. What about the layout? Having two completely different sites in one is in most cases worse than using a c5 add-on. Things like that don't look professional imho.. Personally I'd want a complete integration or no integration. But that's just a personal taste..
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
I was referring to an importer.
I know we have importers from other popular CMS's, maybe we should look at forums too.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah sorry, okay! This might be cool but I haven't read much about that yet. I doubt that this would be an add-on you can sell many times.

So far I only saw a wordpress importer, is there anything else?
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't even find the Wordpress one now we mention it ...
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
Although off-topic.
Maybe this sort of thing would be useful to look at it.

Allowing importing from:
- Wordpress
- Joomla
- ModX (I hate this thing)
- TextPattern (only used it once or twice but still)
- Drupal

Any other popular ones I've missed?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
- Typo3
but yes, we're getting a bit off-topic.. Maybe we should start a new thread?
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
scrivener replied on at Permalink Reply
This seems to have been a popular question a couple of years ago, but I can't find any resolution or even much discussion since then. Did anyone ever come up with an integrator or bridge for phpBB? Does anyone know what happened to argvader and his "Bridge Theory" add-on, that seems to have been working back in '11 but is no longer available? Anything else out there that works to integrate a phpBB forum with a c5 site?

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