How to apply CSS to a block in concrete5

SO concrete 5 has 3 fields for entry when one click on design-> CSS.

While a CSS script is single those are multiple categories, what do I enter where to get it to work?

A hearty thanks to any helper! :D

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
1. CSS ID: - Give the block a div with css ID, so it takes styles specified by that ID in an existing style sheet or theme (probably not what you want because you will need to write a style elsewhere to apply to the ID)

2. CSS Class Name(s): - Give the block a div with a css class, so it takes styles specified by that ID in an existing style sheet or theme (maybe what you want if you need to apply a style that already exists elsewhere)

3. Additional CSS: - enter style rules. These will be applied to a div about the block.

You can also use my Style Quickie addon to add more targeted page specific styles, perhaps in conjunction with 1 or 2 above. Its currently on offer for just this week.
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey John! Sorry I really can't invest in anything else for the time being I need to recoup costs I've already incurred.

Pasting the CSS in the addtional CSS has yielded nothing :(. Back to the question, what can I do to work this?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
First, make sure your CSS is correct by using the browser developer console to check/apply the rules directly to the div surrounding the block. Once you know you have the right style rules, then you can decide better how to apply them.

Because rules in method (3) above only affect the div about the block, you may need to be more precise.

You can do that in various ways:
- editing the theme style sheet
- adding a style sheet to the root/css directory
- putting a style section in an html block before your problem block
- create a new template for the problem block and build your styles into that template (best for making any difficult changes)
- style quickie (just for completeness)

It may help myself and others to help you if you tell us what block type you are trying to re-style and what style you want to apply to it. That way we can be more specific as to which of the various ways of re-styling it would work or is best.