How to build a Concrete5 website with an other developper ?
In the company where I work, we used to build websites with multiple developers and keep the source code in Git.
It seems a lot of things in Concrete5 are saved in the database (the pages, among others) and obviously, we don't keep the database in Git.
I'm not sure what is the best strategy to make several developers work locally on a single Concrete5 website.
Is there know best practices ?
It seems a lot of things in Concrete5 are saved in the database (the pages, among others) and obviously, we don't keep the database in Git.
I'm not sure what is the best strategy to make several developers work locally on a single Concrete5 website.
Is there know best practices ?
(It's for c5.5, and will need some adaptations to make it work for c5.7)
Because these are essentially XML and PHP files, they can be easily checked into git.
We find that this method allows not just multiple developers to work together, but also makes it easy to get a base system set up on a new machine or server instantly.
I'm not sure if this is best practice, but it has worked for us, and has proven to be particularly useful at the beginning stages of the projects where we need to repeatedly reset back to a fresh install (complete with our default content and settings that we like) as we test out new concepts.
Hope this sheds some light on what you can do for your own team.