How to craete a tab in Auto-nav for cart

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I have a simple web site with concrete5, using the Palin Yogurt Theme. I have an auto-nav here.

I also have osComerce cart for my domain.

How do i create a tab in auto-nav that is labelled "shop" and when the user clicks on it, it will taken them to

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Your url is not valid and looks like spam when corrected for spelling.

Palin, indeed!
jadedev replied on at Permalink Reply

that's not the real URL coz I am still building my web site. I don't want people to see my web site while it's in bits and pieces.

so, is it possible to create a tab in auto-nav and manually make it point to the cart??
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Go to Dashboard -> Sitemap, click on Home and choose "Add External Link", enter in the url of your osCommerce page.
jadedev replied on at Permalink Reply
it works, many thanks