How to export all users including User and Groups

I need to create a csv file of all of the users including the hidden fields so I can use an addon that I purchsed to add them to a new C5 website.

Any references would be very helpful.

Todd Cary

daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
There will be an add-on online this week or at the beginning of the next week for exactly that purpose.
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
There will be an add-on online this week or at the beginning of the next week for exactly that purpose.
davidfurler replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, could you give some more details on what your add on will do and when it will be available please?
rtcary replied on at Permalink Reply
I needed to move the Users from one application to another, including Groups. I found "Lerteco User Importer Pro" made the task easy. Of course the passwords could not be transferred since they are not stored -- just the hash is stored.
