How to extend/override Captcha controller?

Does anyone know how to extend or override the Captcha controller in order to customize it without the src folder? I want to add random number length, my own colors etc. to be used only in my block, not throughout the site.

Is it possible at all? Because the $securimage variable is set as protected, not public, in the constructor of the SecurimageController.

Thank you.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I think what you really need to do is to create a completely new captcha. That way, there will be no overrides involved and you will have all aspects of the intricate code under your control.
linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
If I declare my own class, how do I do that from the view.php? At the moment it's done by
$captcha = Core::make('helper/validation/captcha');

If I do that in the application/src/Captcha folder, then it will override the system controller throughout the whole site. I only want to change some captcha properties only in my block, not the whole site.