how to get $cobj from a php file inside the block's tools folder on page-list block

I have a page-list block on a page with a custom template. In the template, I changed the page links in order to open dialog and show the page attributes of that particular page.

So, I have listingdetails.php inside the block's tools folder. Now, I don't know how to get that one particular page object?

I knew that it was not going to work, however I tried this;

echo $propertytype = $cobj->getAttribute('propertytype');

But it doesn't work. Should I need to include and helper or loader to that listingdetails.php file?

I think I need to send that information from the template to that php file inside the tools via ajax. But I need help for that. Can someone please help me out?

Thanks in advance.

ceyhuncenger replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok. I guess I can get it with a contoller action. I need to get cID of that page. But, I just have the link in the javascript.

So, now I need to get the page which the link will go, to a variable with javascript. and use that variable in the php file inside the tools folder.

Please help.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You want to send the CollectionID (cID) of the page ($cobj) to the ajax tool, then have the tool code retrieve that page so it can get at it's attributes. If you can post the code from your page_list custom template and your tools code, I could show you how to do this.
ceyhuncenger replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much Jordan.

Page-list custom template:
If I am not wrong, we need to look at here;
<h3 class="ccm-page-list-title">
               $th = Loader::helper('concrete/urls'); 
               $bt = $b->getBlockTypeObject(); ?>
                  <a id="<?php echo $cobj->getCollectionID()?>" class="button eachlistinglink hastipsy" target="_blank" title="<?php echo t('All Details')?>" href="<?php echo $th->getBlockTypeToolsURL($bt)?>/listingdetails?cID=<?php echo $cobj->getCollectionID()?>"><?php echo $title;?></a>
ceyhuncenger replied on at Permalink Reply
Right now, there is nothing in the tools/listingdetails.php
but these are what I want to show in that dialog.
   echo $propertytype = $cobj->getAttribute('propertytype');
   echo $pricerange = $cobj->getAttribute('pricerange');
   echo $bedrooms = $cobj->getAttribute('bedrooms');
   echo $bathrooms = $cobj->getAttribute('bathrooms');
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I think the code you have in the page list template is correct. Now you just need to retrieve that cID in the tools file. This should work:
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$cID = empty($_GET['cID']) ? 0 : $_GET['cID'];
if (!empty($cID) && intval($cID) == $cID) {
    $cobj = Page::getByID($cID);
    echo $cobj->getAttribute('propertytype');
    echo $cobj->getAttribute('pricerange');
    echo $cobj->getAttribute('bedrooms');
    echo $cobj->getAttribute('bathrooms');
ceyhuncenger replied on at Permalink Reply
You are wonderful. Thank you thank you thank you so muchh.
ceyhuncenger replied on at Permalink Reply
By the way, while doing this I had an idea of creating a page attribute called "area" and giving it a name "main". Then on another page, creating a page-list and in the page-list template, can't we code something to show those areas for each page which differs from page to page? Anyways just an idea.