How to get horizontal navigation links


I am trying to build a few pages and add in horizontal page links above the dotted lines that are part of the standard plain yoghurt theme.

If you take a look at my basic test site :

You will see two links, About and Contact.

Firstly they are vertical and secondly I would like them horizontally above the dotted line?

Can someone let me know is there an easy way to do this without coding ?

Many thanks

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
If you click on the auto-nav block; select 'Custom Template' and select 'Header Nav'.. it will give you a horizontal menu with the default styling for the 'plain yogurt' theme.
starbock replied on at Permalink Reply
@wagdi, THANK YOU!!! This has been driving me NUTS!!! I recently upgraded to 5.5.1 (using Softaculous distribution/installer), and the template went away by default.

Thank you so much!!!