How to get rid of the 49px margin

I've been trying to find an answer as to how to solve the 49px margin that pushes all content when logged in but cannot seem to find any ! I have all my body tags with ids and margins set to 0 and just cannot work out where does this "body {margin-top: 49px !important} " comes from ...any help will be apreciated. Many thanks

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The 'margin-top: 49px !important;' is added in 'root/concrete/elements/page_controls_header.php'. It's added to not have the edit bar overlap the page when logged in.

If you want to delete it you should override the file by making a copy of it in 'root/elements' and edit the copy.

Make sure you disable overrides cache when you add the override. Once you are done, clear your cache and turn on overrides cache again.
ptityop replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot ... I spent so much time on this when it was that simple .. I just didn't know that copying a file in those root folders override the others !
ptityop replied on at Permalink Reply
Now the only thing is that the bar is blank ..... something i missed ? ( I already cleared cache )
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You probably have conflicting js on your site. Do you import jQuery in your theme? Because if you do, you should know that c5 also does and calling jQuery twice might give unexpected results.