How to get the bID in validation auto.js in Block
Anybody please tell me, how to get the Block Id (bID) in the validation function in auto.js
great.. thx Moosh
@moosh's solution is good.
Another way to do it (which isn't better or worse, just a different style) is to declare a javascript variable in the add.php and edit.php files -- it will be available for the auto.js file to use. For example:
Another way to do it (which isn't better or worse, just a different style) is to declare a javascript variable in the add.php and edit.php files -- it will be available for the auto.js file to use. For example:
<script type="text/javascript"> var bID = <?php echo $bID; ?>; </script>
yes correct Jordan, I was trying to put it in hidden fields.
Add this in your block controller :
Then in auto.js, you can use :