How to insert custom page attribute value in page list


I have some portfolio pages and added text page attributes to them.
What I now want to do is to add these text attributes inside a page list.

I have searched the forum but no of the solutions are working?

Thanks for helping me out!


1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I have attached a PageList Custom Template that you can use if you are using Concrete 5.6.x, please advise if you are using 5.7.x. What you would need to do with this file is put it in your blocks/page_list/templates directory, if that directory doesn't exist go ahead and create it. Make sure to remove the .txt extension from the end, that is just there to make it valid to upload in the forums.

In this example I have three custom Page Attributes, thumb (image) author (text) and blurb (basic textarea). I hope this helps.
restyles replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Hutman

Thank you for your reply.

I created a attribute myself, but how can I insert the attribute of the page in the page list? For example I made a page attribute with the handle name "portfolio_name".

And how can I insert this into the page list?

Is this also possible with the code u send me?

Thanks again!
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you look at the file I sent you there is code for an image attribute, a text attribute and a textarea attribute in there. You can add/remove/change whatever you need in there to get it to display what you want from the page properties.
restyles replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh I see, I got it working now!
Thank you very much! Appreciate your help!