How to make content secure

Hey there,

I've noticed that when viewing our website in HTTPS urls, the menu and some other things disappear. Is there a way to make these things show up as secure so they always show?


DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
This is usually caused by "mixed content blocking". If you load a site in HTTPS, all other data loaded through regular HTTP will not load. If you go through your code and change any data loaded through HTTP to HTTPS it will solve your problem (i.e Iframes).
AVL replied on at Permalink Reply
So if I just start looking through the backend code for anywhere that says Http instead of Https? Thanks :)
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you referencing to a external link through your nav?
AVL replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure. Can you tell from my source code? I'm not the most code-savvy... I can search and copy/paste, but that's about it.

Here's the website: vs.

It's just the header nav that I see disappears.. It might be something in our theme.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I need to say - your site looks fine on both Chrome and Firefox, with and without https... see the screenshots.

Can you point out the problem? Have you tried refreshing your cache?
AVL replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Ok, interesting. I think I might have figured something out... It only happens to me when I'm logged into the website. In that case, no worries since the customer's not seeing that. I never really thought to check it like that! It's just something that's bugged me for awhile and I just posted in here, instead of really digging.

Attached pic - the menu and the slider text are gone.

So now it's just a minor irritant since it will only happen to me when I'm logged in, and not customers since we don't allow outside logins. Thank you for your help!!
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah ok, If it happens only when logged in, it might be a JavaScript issue.

When logged in as admin, C5 loads additional Javascript and this might interfere with some JS of these parts of the site. Just a guess.
AVL replied on at Permalink Reply
That would make sense - thanks so much for your help!