How to make YouTube Video Compatible with Iphone Please help?
Hi I have a website which I want a video from youtube to play which I got working, but how do I make it compatible with an iphone so it plays youtube video? Is this possible or a way around this?
Also see this thread:
You can try implementing the attached custom template for the youtube block. (I have not tested it on an iOS device because I don't have one but it should work, *fingers crossed*).
Follow these steps to implement the custom template;
1. Unzip the attached file and upload it to your web server at this path (you may need to create some new folders in the blocks directory)
2. Log into your Concrete5 website and put the page with the embedded youtube video in Edit Mode.
3. Click on the embedded youtube video element and select 'Custom Template'.
4. Select 'iOS-compatible' from the 'Custom Template' drop-down menu and click the 'Update' button.
5. Please let me know if it works ;-)
Kind regards,