How to Save changes and keep the original?

Iam not sure how to save editting when I exit edit mode. One time I selected "Discard" but my change was saved and public could see the change. After that, I tried other options but result was the same.

We are in a middle of creating a website for our new company. We would like to keep a temporary web page with a "Under construction" image to a public while I am editing actual pages until it is done and ok to publish.
How Can I keep the original temporary page (1 version) to show to the public and continue to change/edit and save other pages (new versions) every day?

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
"We are in a middle of creating a website for our new company. We would like to keep a temporary web page with a "Under construction" image to a public while I am editing actual pages until it is done and ok to publish."

A shameless plug, but I created an addon(it's free)
that allows you to show a specified page(as well as the registration and login pages if you want), while editing the rest of the site.

Although, that would only show a specified page not a specified version of a page while you edited another version.

There are some things you can do with versions. Take a look at this

and also the "Versions" section of the Editors guide. Make note of the part about selecting one to show to the general public and one that is show to users with "Edit Privileges". These users are typically the ones that can see the top white Edit Bar when viewing a page.

EDIT: Forgot to link to the Editors Guide