How to save content in blocks as default in template

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First of all I am new to Concrete 5. A client sent me an offer to build him a website for a cultural project and afterwards told me he wanted the site to be done with Concrete 5 as they already knew how to operate it. Now, I accepted the project and although it was a new system I have a lot of experience in Wordpress, CMS Made Simple, Joomla and Drupal so I thought no problem. Creating a layout and then transfering it to a theme was no problem but now I am scratching my head trying to figure out how I can save certain blocks as a default for page templates, such as a navigation (Auto-nav) and some Content for a sidebar for instance. I mean, every time I create a new page it is completely blank. There's no menu, no Content in any of the blocks and nothing. How can I save them? Is it even possible? Can someone throw me instructions to this, thank you.

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
For things like Autonavs, you'll probably better off placing them into Global Areas instead of page type defaults. If you've been building your own theme, you can just change your Area for your nav to a GlobalArea.

For page type defaults, see:

There's also a bit about page type defaults in the Joomla->Concrete5 guide: (about half-way through)
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You go into the dashboard > page types and set defaults.

You could also define global areas in page types, which will then create a stack for every global area. Everything you put in the stack will show on every page type have the global area defined.

Here are some useful links for you:

Making a theme:

Page Type defaults:

Stacks and Global Areas: (nevermind the scrapbook section, it's deprecated)

Coming from Joomla!:

Coming from Drupal:

Edit: Dang I need to type faster... mesuva beat me to it
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply

(we're both awesome)
rcls replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems like I have to upgrade the CMS a few versions to get Stacks. Good thing I'm running development on localhost and backing up everything because updating manually already broke everything when it didn't recognize a function on a newer version. I'll get back to you if I get the global stuffs working. I have to say other systems are way easier.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Give C5 a week or two for development and hands'on usage and you might change your mind.

When it comes to upgrading you should go from>>
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You can also read this post on how to get started with concrete5 (but geared toward the thread starters questions)
rcls replied on at Permalink Reply
Well I think this does it. I've spent the last hour now trying to upgrade the system from to and I succeeded finally going from one version to the next not skipping anything, but the funny thing is when I added a global area and put a stack on it, the jquery loader just kept on going forever and now the whole site is completely crashed. It will not load and this problem keeps repeating itself every time. I'm in my right mind now saying that I'm gonna suggest to the client to change to Wordpress or something else because this is not working. Too many errors in upgrading, took forever to find documentation, putting data on the site ends up killing it... It's just too many errors tbh.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I would hate to see you leave...

I myself find the documentation (Editors guide, Developers guide and How-Tos) really helpful, not to mention the Forums where one can always get help. The fact Concrete5 holds a weekly web show on ustream is great, since they can answer questions you have directly. They also browse the forums daily and supply answers if none has been given.

I bet if you describe your upgrade situation in further detail and also add your jQuery problem (both in a new thread with a descriptive title) you will get help solving your issues.

It is always a feat to embrace a new system, especially one that differs a lot from other system, but once over the threshold you will probably find how easy concrete5 is (both to you as a developer and to your client using the CMS).

Anyways, if it doesn't do it for you (and you are set on not going to go all in learning it) there is no way I will hold you to it.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I always swap back to a default theme during an upgrade to make sure no theme related incompatibilities mess things up. So maybe try swapping the theme back to default or Greek Yogurt and see if your problem persists.

At least after trying that you will know if the issue is theme related.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Reading your post again, I'm actually a bit confused.

If this is a recent project, and you're still in the process of configuring the site, why are/were you using 5.4.x? Version 5.5 came out at the beginning of the year. So did you inherit someone else's site and you've been working on it? Or did you start this more than 9 months ago and you're only now asking this question?