How to set default page for single page?
Hi guys, how can we set default page for single page? just like blog type left or right type?
so i just only add add-on just once?
for now i must added my scrapbook nav menu and header slide in every single page, like in login page, profile, avatar, members, page_not_found, register, etc
is there a way to add this just once?
i just need that header slideshow and nav menu. thats all
thanks for the time, have u doing weell :)
so i just only add add-on just once?
for now i must added my scrapbook nav menu and header slide in every single page, like in login page, profile, avatar, members, page_not_found, register, etc
is there a way to add this just once?
i just need that header slideshow and nav menu. thats all
thanks for the time, have u doing weell :)

try editing your theme's view.php. This file wraps single pages on your site.
Thanks Hkofoed, i have already setting that,
the problem is, 'i must add scrapbook one by one each single page', is there a way to set this just once, since its the same type, 'single pages' ?
i want to use my nav menu & slideshow header as default scrapbook for all pages, eg its blog_type, left_type, right_type, etc, cu'z i think nav menu & header sldeshow is used in all page?
the problem is, 'i must add scrapbook one by one each single page', is there a way to set this just once, since its the same type, 'single pages' ?
i want to use my nav menu & slideshow header as default scrapbook for all pages, eg its blog_type, left_type, right_type, etc, cu'z i think nav menu & header sldeshow is used in all page?
Find out the 'bID' of your scrapbook. You can check this in your concrete5 database table 'blocks'. Then try entering
$b = Block::getByID('your_bID');
in your view.php. Then the same scrapbook or whatever block id, will be shown on every single_page.
$b = Block::getByID('your_bID');
in your view.php. Then the same scrapbook or whatever block id, will be shown on every single_page.