HTML Block not displaying

I have an html block inserted on two pages in my site with an affiliate link banner to hostgator on them. When I first put them in they displayed fine. now they don't show up at all.(See attached images) I use Firefox on the machine I am editing on but when I go home the firefox I have on that machine displays properly. Also on the machine I use to edit with when I open IE it also displays correctly. What's going on? is it just my firefox on that specific machine being the problem?

2 Attachments

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
maybe you accidentely blocked the hostgator images on the machine.

In your firefox go to Extra - > options -> Contains (3d tab, might be wrong, I have a Dutch verion)

there is an option on images there, check out the exeptions. most likely you have the images of hostgator blocked
pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply but I don't have EXTRA in my menu. Any chance you could help me find the same options in the US version?
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
Extra would be Tools. sorry about that :)
pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Actually that made me think of some thing else. I have the Firefox Ad Blocker Plus Addon and that for some reason is what nixed it. So we're good.