HTML code snippet causing editing to hang
October 21, 2013 at 8:38 AM
Since adding a HTML snippet to my site, supplied from Mailchimp I cannot edit any block from the front end without the loader constantly spinning. I end up having to cancel out, refresh the page and then approve the changes.
Can anyone spot anything in the following that may not be playing nice with C5?
<!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
< div id= "mc_embed_signup" >
< form action= "" method= "post" id= "mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name= "mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class = "validate" target= "_blank" novalidate>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-EMAIL" > Email Address < span class = "asterisk" >*</ span>
</ label>
< input type= "email" value= "" name= "EMAIL" class = "required email" id= "mce-EMAIL" placeholder= "Email (required)" >
</ div>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-FNAME" > First Name </ label>
< input type= "text" value= "" name= "FNAME" class = "" id= "mce-FNAME" placeholder= "First Name" >
</ div>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-LNAME" > Last Name </ label>
< input type= "text" value= "" name= "LNAME" class = "" id= "mce-LNAME" placeholder= "Last Name" >
<!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
< div id= "mc_embed_signup" >
< form action= "" method= "post" id= "mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name= "mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class = "validate" target= "_blank" novalidate>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-EMAIL" > Email Address < span class = "asterisk" >*</ span>
</ label>
< input type= "email" value= "" name= "EMAIL" class = "required email" id= "mce-EMAIL" placeholder= "Email (required)" >
</ div>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-FNAME" > First Name </ label>
< input type= "text" value= "" name= "FNAME" class = "" id= "mce-FNAME" placeholder= "First Name" >
</ div>
< div class = "mc-field-group" >
< label for = "mce-LNAME" > Last Name </ label>
< input type= "text" value= "" name= "LNAME" class = "" id= "mce-LNAME" placeholder= "Last Name" >
</ div>
< div id= "mce-responses" >
< div class = "response" id= "mce-error-response" style= "display:none" ></ div>
< div class = "response" id= "mce-success-response" style= "display:none" ></ div>
</ div> < div>< input type= "submit" value= "Los geht’s" name= "subscribe" id= "mc-embedded-subscribe" class = "button" ></ div>
</ form>
</ div>
< script type= "text/javascript" >
var fnames = new Array ( ) ; var ftypes = new Array ( ) ; fnames[ 0 ] = 'EMAIL' ; ftypes[ 0 ] = 'email' ; fnames[ 1 ] = 'FNAME' ; ftypes[ 1 ] = 'text' ; fnames[ 2 ] = 'LNAME' ; ftypes[ 2 ] = 'text' ;
try {
var jqueryLoaded= jQuery;
jqueryLoaded= true ;
} catch( err) {
var jqueryLoaded= false ;
var head= document. getElementsByTagName( 'head' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! jqueryLoaded) {
var script = document. createElement( 'script' ) ;
script. type = 'text/javascript' ;
script. src = '//' ;
head. appendChild( script) ;
if ( script. readyState && script. onload!== null ) {
script. onreadystatechange= function ( ) {
if ( this. readyState == 'complete' ) mce_preload_check( ) ;
var err_style = '' ;
err_style = mc_custom_error_style;
} catch( e) {
err_style = '#mc_embed_signup input.mce_inline_error{border-color:#6B0505;} #mc_embed_signup div.mce_inline_error{margin: 0 0 1em 0; padding: 5px 10px; background-color:#6B0505; font-weight: bold; z-index: 1; color:#fff;}' ;
var head= document. getElementsByTagName( 'head' ) [ 0 ] ;
var style= document. createElement( 'style' ) ;
style. type= 'text/css' ;
if ( style. styleSheet) {
style. styleSheet. cssText = err_style;
} else {
style. appendChild( document. createTextNode( err_style) ) ;
head. appendChild( style) ;
setTimeout( 'mce_preload_check();' , 250 ) ;
var mce_preload_checks = 0 ;
function mce_preload_check( ) {
if ( mce_preload_checks> 40 ) return ;
try {
var jqueryLoaded= jQuery;
} catch( err) {
setTimeout( 'mce_preload_check();' , 250 ) ;
return ;
var script = document. createElement( 'script' ) ;
script. type = 'text/javascript' ;
script. src = '' ;
head. appendChild( script) ;
try {
var validatorLoaded= jQuery( "#fake-form" ) . validate( { } ) ;
} catch( err) {
setTimeout( 'mce_preload_check();' , 250 ) ;
return ;
mce_init_form( ) ;
function mce_init_form( ) {
jQuery( document) . ready( function ( $) {
var options = { errorClass: 'mce_inline_error' , errorElement: 'div' , onkeyup: function ( ) { } , onfocusout: function ( ) { } , onblur: function ( ) { } } ;
var mce_validator = $( "#mc-embedded-subscribe-form" ) . validate( options) ;
$( "#mc-embedded-subscribe-form" ) . unbind( 'submit' ) ; //remove the validator so we can get into beforeSubmit on the ajaxform, which then calls the validator
options = { url: '' , type: 'GET' , dataType: 'json' , contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ,
beforeSubmit: function ( ) {
$( '#mce_tmp_error_msg' ) . remove( ) ;
$( '.datefield' , '#mc_embed_signup' ) . each (
function ( ) {
var txt = 'filled' ;
var fields = new Array ( ) ;
var i = 0 ;
$( ':text' , this) . each (
function ( ) {
fields[ i] = this;
} ) ;
$( ':hidden' , this) . each (
function ( ) {
var bday = false ;
if ( fields. length == 2 ) {
bday = true ;
fields[ 2 ] = { 'value' : 1970 } ; //trick birthdays into having years
if ( fields[ 0 ] . value== 'MM' && fields[ 1 ] . value== 'DD' && ( fields[ 2 ] . value== 'YYYY' || ( bday && fields[ 2 ] . value== 1970 ) ) ) {
this. value = '' ;
} else if ( fields[ 0 ] . value== '' && fields[ 1 ] . value== '' && ( fields[ 2 ] . value== '' || ( bday && fields[ 2 ] . value== 1970 ) ) ) {
this. value = '' ;
} else {
if ( / \[ day\] /. test( fields[ 0 ] . name) ) {
this. value = fields[ 1 ] . value+ '/' + fields[ 0 ] . value+ '/' + fields[ 2 ] . value;
} else {
this. value = fields[ 0 ] . value+ '/' + fields[ 1 ] . value+ '/' + fields[ 2 ] . value;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$( '.phonefield-us' , '#mc_embed_signup' ) . each (
function ( ) {
var fields = new Array ( ) ;
var i = 0 ;
$( ':text' , this) . each (
function ( ) {
fields[ i] = this;
} ) ;
$( ':hidden' , this) . each (
function ( ) {
if ( fields[ 0 ] . value. length != 3 || fields[ 1 ] . value. length!= 3 || fields[ 2 ] . value. length!= 4 ) {
this. value = '' ;
} else {
this. value = 'filled' ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return mce_validator. form( ) ;
} ,
success: mce_success_cb
} ;
$( '#mc-embedded-subscribe-form' ) . ajaxForm( options) ;
} ) ;
function mce_success_cb( resp) {
$( '#mce-success-response' ) . hide( ) ;
$( '#mce-error-response' ) . hide( ) ;
if ( resp. result== "success" ) {
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . show( ) ;
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . html( resp. msg) ;
$( '#mc-embedded-subscribe-form' ) . each ( function ( ) {
this. reset ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
var index = - 1 ;
var msg;
try {
var parts = resp. msg. split ( ' - ' , 2 ) ;
if ( parts[ 1 ] == undefined) {
msg = resp. msg;
} else {
i = parseInt( parts[ 0 ] ) ;
if ( i. toString( ) == parts[ 0 ] ) {
index = parts[ 0 ] ;
msg = parts[ 1 ] ;
} else {
index = - 1 ;
msg = resp. msg;
} catch( e) {
index = - 1 ;
msg = resp. msg;
if ( index== - 1 ) {
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . show( ) ;
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . html( msg) ;
} else {
err_id = 'mce_tmp_error_msg' ;
html = '<div id="' + err_id+ '" style="' + err_style+ '"> ' + msg+ '</div>' ;
var input_id = '#mc_embed_signup' ;
var f = $( input_id) ;
if ( ftypes[ index] == 'address' ) {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[ index] + '-addr1' ;
f = $( input_id) . parent( ) . parent( ) . get( 0 ) ;
} else if ( ftypes[ index] == 'date' ) {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[ index] + '-month' ;
f = $( input_id) . parent( ) . parent( ) . get( 0 ) ;
} else {
input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[ index] ;
f = $( ) . parent( input_id) . get( 0 ) ;
if ( f) {
$( f) . append( html) ;
$( input_id) . focus( ) ;
} else {
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . show( ) ;
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . html( msg) ;
} catch( e) {
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . show( ) ;
$( '#mce-' + resp. result+ '-response' ) . html( msg) ;
<!-- End mc_embed_signup-->
PS - to get back to a state where you can do this, you can revert the page version in the sitemap.