HTML snippet block in Header problem


I have Concrete
And I have been using Zopim chat "widget" a year now.
I have installed Zopim snippet in html-block in header section.

Now I would like to change the chat provider, but in edit mode, there's no html block in header to edit.

How can I edit the html snippet?

Below is the html code
<div id="HTMLBlock517" class="HTMLBlock">
<!--Start of Zopim Live Chat Script-->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.$zopim||(function(d,s){var z=$zopim=function(c){z._.push(c)},$=z.s=
$.src='//';z.t=+new Date;$.
<!--End of Zopim Live Chat Script--></div>      
      <div id="header-image">

This is under this line:
<!--start main container -->
<div id="main-container" class="container_24">
   <div id="header">

Does anybody have some idea to help?

SEKAMAN replied on at Permalink Reply
And for a start...
Somebody could tell, how to embed the code properly.
I guess I am a bit noob, what's come with coding.
grosik replied on at Permalink Reply

with info you have provided i can guess some things to check:

if code is located in stack (as html block)
if code is hardcoded in header in themes/[yourtheme]/elements/header.php file
If you have permissions to edit the area.
SEKAMAN replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank You grosik
I did check the header stacks, no html block there.
And also no code from header.php file.
And I think that I have the permission to edit, Be cause I am administrator and creator of these pages.

So far I have not find the snippet in FTP concrete/ files.
So that I could edit the code.
(Where these block or header stuff is saved, or does it save these to database)

I got the first code with browser "show sourcecode".
And so far that is only way to actually see the snippet code.

Page url is[url=][/url]
The language is Finnish, but the sourcecode is universal. :)
The chat widget is bottom left (orange box)
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
It may be in your "Header Extra Content".

In edit mode, go to properties, follow the tabs along the top and you'll find a pane that lets you add meta titles, description etc. There might be one there called "Header Extra Content" edit that.
SEKAMAN replied on at Permalink Reply

Header Extra Content is not in use.

One thing that comes to my mind is delete whole html block in dashboard. And if it's available somewhere, then install html block again.
I haven't use this block mutch, but would this remove the snippet completely or would it be back again when I would re-install the html block?