HTML5 to Concrete5 any updated tutorials??

I am trying to convert HTML5 static page into concrete5, i followed exactly procedure unfortunately, it doesn't work for me, I am unable to get nav to appear on page after creating one from dashboard, couldn't get text editor to appear on content area, and long list goes on.

I realized that tutorial is 5 years old, things probably have changed lately. So are there any updated tutorial that can explain step by step how to convert HTML5 and CSS3 into updated Concrete5 theme?

Your help is appreciated.

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
There are plenty of How-tos and docs on theme development in the Documentation area.

However, I happen to have several FREE themes that you could use as a "boilerplate". Simply go to my profile and browse my marketplace items (most are free).

You could then look at how its done and simply replace your design with what's there.

Also, I believe you can find a few other free "boilerplate" themes in the marketplace.
APrather replied on at Permalink Reply
Thats true... Problem is...How will I learn? if I just hack in codes. How do I learn the significant of Concrete5 php style codes without any explanation what it will do, how does it work and etc.

I did exactly same hacking codes with Wordpress and durpal and I suddenly gave up just because I never really understand their code structures or functions.

Any better alternatives?