HTTP Post in Canada Post Custom Shipping Type


It was suggested that I post this here in addition to the eCommerce Questions & Discussions section, sorry if there is an even better place than "Building in Concrete5" for this discussion:

I think us Canucks may be a few short steps away from having a Concrete5 shipping type. If anybody knows how I might set up an HTTP Post in a custom shipping type, the actual modifiers are calculated at as per a registered SellOnline client's shipping profile.

What I need to do is post some product .xml data as per their .dtd (attached in .txt) and then receive a string of variables to display as options to the consumer. There is support on their end as well to help get this right, but I thought I would start here to see if somebody could help me get started. Here is a piece of code I found floating around on the web that somebody used to post data to SellOnline:

//extract data from the post
//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
//url-ify the data for the POST
foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }

1 Attachment
