hwo to create a user page (permission to edit only to that user) after signup
I search the forum for post regarding allow users to edit only their own content and I find some partial answers ,
i suppose there is not a complete solution to the problem so may be useful to approach the problem from another point.
my idea is to automatically create a user page just after user registration and add permission to that user for edit the page .
is there a way to accomplish this in concrete?
I will be happy to pay for an addon that let users create/delete/edit their own content but at this time is not present in the market.
I search the forum for post regarding allow users to edit only their own content and I find some partial answers ,
i suppose there is not a complete solution to the problem so may be useful to approach the problem from another point.
my idea is to automatically create a user page just after user registration and add permission to that user for edit the page .
is there a way to accomplish this in concrete?
I will be happy to pay for an addon that let users create/delete/edit their own content but at this time is not present in the market.