I am new please show me the way.

Hi everyone, im new to developing website with this CMS, i was thinking of buying a startup theme to work as a base so i can create website for client much quicker than writing it myself. Please suggest me a good theme to buy, that would be a responsive html5 + css3 design, and have layout for mobile and tablet, that are easy to modified.

I was thinking of the theme Bootstrap, but does it have mobile theme? it doesn't seem to say so i guess not. Please advise me on a solution thank you.

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Well Bootstrap is a very good theme and it is fully responsive. It has lots of options for customizations, but if you are looking to customize by yourself, then you must know php very well. It is not written as like simple Concrete5 themes.

Anyway you can try out these 2 themes as well. They are fully responsive and customizable.



codester replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your advice i will check them out, i do know php and programming, but if the themes is written in a complicated way with no commenting, then it would take some time to go through the code to understand in order to make necessary changes.

I just want a theme that have all the layout for different style of pages setup, and if i feel the need to make changes it would be easy to do so, there for completing the work more quickly.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Actually its not complicated, its well structured. If you know php, then you can understand it very easily. Its a very good theme.