I have created a new concrete5 theme

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I have created a concrete 5 theme. I installed, and my page is working fine. However, my toolbar is gone. I have added the following code:
<?=Loader::element ('header_required'); ?>

<?php Loader::element ('footer_required');?>

and it is now showing up still my toolbar. I noticed that before I added the following code:


to my css and images, the toolbar displayed, however, when I add these code, the toolbar dissapears. Any idea why?

Thank you so much!

fudyartanto replied on at Permalink Reply
try change <?=Loader::element ('header_required'); ?>
to <?php Loader::element ('header_required'); ?>

Let me know its work or not, I get same issue in the past. because forgot to put <?php Loader::element ('footer_required'); ?>

Dashboard toolbar loaded by js, so it seems something wrong when loading js. Check console and see if you have some errors there.
RocioT replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you so much for responding to my question. I have tried both and
still the toolbar is not appearing. I will try one more time.
