I want to request a password before entering a specific page.

On choosing a menu option, I want to load the page and present a pop-up window requesting a password. This password would have been given to the user and not setup through a registration. It is a single password for the page. After entering the correct password the pop-up would disappear and the page beneath is available.

I have checked out the pop-up login add-on options but I can't see how to get them to work as described above.

Any suggestions out there?


exchangecore replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It looks like this addon does what you want. I didn't see any free ones with a quick search of the marketplace. You may also be able to accomplish this using an .htaccess file and .htpasswd file, but I haven't tried, just an idea.

Here's the addon:
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow! Thanks for the quick response!
This is exactly what I was looking for. I kept searching for "login", "pop-up" and never saw this add-on.

Thanks again!