I will pay for someone to fix my websites!

Bluehost.com moved renamed my websites and now they are both messed up.
One I can not connect to concrete5 to add any more ad-ons to the site.

My other site, the dashboard doesn't work anymore.

I need help and asap because I need these websites for my business.

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just had something similar with Sitecloud. The whole site seems broken.

You can always try the support page-http://www.concrete5.org/services/support-options/fix-something-bro... or fill an incident form athttps://webhosting.concrete5.org/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0...

I wish you the best of luck.
FullThrottle1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I had to uninstall concrete5 and re-build my site from scratch. Not happy!
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
I wonder what could have gone wrong that you needed to redo the entire site manually. Wouldn't it work if you just fixed the site.php or did your db get messed up?