Ideas for selling credits for a service on my C5 site

I'm building a personal training and nutrition web site, and need the ability to sell sessions or "credits" for various services (like personal training sessions or customized meal plans) on the site, and then have the credits show up in the user's profile area. Does anyone have any ideas on what plugin(s) or techniques to use? I'm open to any ideas on how to achieve this. Any input would be very very appreciated!!

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure if it fits your needs but a quick search brought this up- The "Lerteco Membership Commerce by jshannon"-

"Lerteco Membership Commerce allows you to sell, manage, and report on sales of product subscriptions through your concrete5 site. Use it to sell anything that you can offer electronically through your site -- software, courses, webcasts, information, or even just to manage club or group membership. Note, though, that it doesn’t really support physical products; there are no images, no shipping information, and no order statuses.

The add-on works by setting up and selling products, which have a name, description, price, one or more groups, a duration, and some other data.

After a user (either a registered or an anonymous user -- in which case an account will be created on their behalf) purchases one of these products, a transaction will be logged and they’ll be placed into one or more groups. Once in a group, you can use concrete5’s built-in permissions to manage the users’ access to your content.

Membership Commerce supports specific-duration memberships (ie, 4 weeks, 1 year, etc) and automatically manages expirations (where the user is to be removed from the group) and renewals (where the user purchases, e.g., a second month one week before their first month of membership expires).

The payment is processed through Paypal web payments and you receive the money instantly to your paypal account. You simply link to a page within your sitemap (using any block that links to pages such as the content block, the image block, or even your auto-nav), which then redirects the user to Paypal with all the appropriate info.

Successful transactions are logged for reporting purposes. You can sort and filter by all the basic fields, including dates.

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