IE 10 CSS issues

My client is having some issues with her site rendering correctly through windows7 in IE 10. I have screen shots that show layout and width discrepancies but can't replicate the environment to try fixing the problem. When I use browser compatibility sites such as the site renders correctly given the same environment settings. I can't fix something I can't see or replicate. Any suggestions?


juliandale replied on at Permalink Reply
Check if they have any browser extensions installed that may be causing the problem. I have had clients with the Skype 'Click to Call' add-on installed that have messed up layouts, but also things like anti-virus plug-ins can interfere with how certain sites load.

Also, clear the site cache both through the dashboard and through the FTP, get her to clear her browser cache (Ctrl + F5 a few times), get her to reboot her router and make sure your fonts are loading correctly (if it uses a custom font, try uninstalling it from your machine). If none of that works, then I'm stumped!
maccahutch replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Thanks Julian,
The client provided some screen shots and also mentioned the site not rendering correctly on another computer. I thought it may have been an issue with 'Compatibility View' but it is not. I can't replicate the issues to fix them.

The site is

Attached are some screen shots the client provided that show an overlap of page elements on the right side.

I will keep digging around.