IIS 7.5 & Concrete5

does anyone has experience with IIS 7.5 & Concrete5?

the reason is that WP has huge problems with IIS and also is less powerful than Concrete5, but i like a lot my current host (IIS only), and i like to stay with him

any experienced user?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete5 works on IIS. We don't officially support it (although I am in the process of adding it to our official suite of testing.) I was able to get concrete5 to install to IIE 7.5 just recently. It does require MySQL, and I did have to make sure I installed the CGI and PHP Manager add-ons to IIS, but I was able to get installation to work without a hitch. I haven't put everything through its paces, but it should be ok.
pagou replied on at Permalink Reply
i had install it on IIS without a problem.
my main consideration, is that i found that WP haw major problems on IIS, after i had invest a lot of development, on it.

before i do any real job i will play a bit, just to make sure is working, like it should be

thanks for answer
pagou replied on at Permalink Reply
did i mention i haven't encourage any problem with IIS?