Image download site

Looking to build an image library. On quick experiments finding it easy enough to upload the images but on viewing them in C5 the IPTC data has been stripped. Is there a way to keep IPTC data attached to the image?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The c5 image helper uses standard php/gd image functions. C5 makes no special case of removing metadata or keeping it, so its likely the php image calls that are stripping the metadata.

Its possible to override the c5 image helper. some strategies that may be possible with some code (I don't know if there is anything you can do without code):

- Maybe the php/gd functions have options to keep meta data.

- Maybe replace the internals to us Image Magik.

- Maybe modify the internals to copy meta data before manipulating and paste it back again after manipulating.
ledaig replied on at Permalink Reply
Many thanks for the info. We'll look again at what we're doing. By the way I like your underwater site with its nice and speedy search results.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The underwater site is one I still have not moved to concrete5, its really old code written in perl :). Moving it to concrete5 is on my agenda, but keeps getting pushed to the bottom as other ideas come up.