Image Gallery Structure
Hey there,
thanks again for all of your help yesterday! I nearly finished my first C5 custom site and now there is just one big question left: How will I get my image gallery working / be able to upload new images and edit their description.
This is how the gallery is running at the moment:
I'm using the jQuery plugin 'Flexslider' and embedded the .js-files in a header2.php included in the page I'm using it - working pretty good so far. The gallery itself is hardcoded in a gallery.php, code is looking like this:
It would be great if I could delete this hard coded part and make it editable via C5 - any ideas/solutions?
As always: thank you very much for your support!
thanks again for all of your help yesterday! I nearly finished my first C5 custom site and now there is just one big question left: How will I get my image gallery working / be able to upload new images and edit their description.
This is how the gallery is running at the moment:
I'm using the jQuery plugin 'Flexslider' and embedded the .js-files in a header2.php included in the page I'm using it - working pretty good so far. The gallery itself is hardcoded in a gallery.php, code is looking like this:
<div class="flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <li data-thumb="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img01b.jpg"> <img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img01.jpgs" width="539" height="359"> <p class="flex-caption">Caption Text</p> </li> <li data-thumb="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img02b.jpg"> <img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img02.jpgs" width="539" height="359"> <p class="flex-caption">Caption Text</p> </li> <li data-thumb="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img03b.jpg"> <img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath() ?>/imgs/img03.jpgs" width="539" height="359"> <p class="flex-caption">Caption Text</p> </li> </ul>
Viewing 15 lines of 16 lines. View entire code block.
It would be great if I could delete this hard coded part and make it editable via C5 - any ideas/solutions?
As always: thank you very much for your support!

On a different gallery also running with Flexbox I just used a plugin calling "list files from set" which worked out pretty good - uploaded my imgs, edited the view of the plugin to fit the need of Flexbox and everything was ok but in that case I didn't need that thumbnail thing and the description - don't know how to get this up and running...
To show what gallery I designed I attached a scheme.png of the structure. Most of all it's just a grid of thumbnails one can use as navigation. You click on a thumb and the bigger image loads above the grid with a short description text.
I created this with flexbox - now I want to make it editable via C5 for "non-coders".
I created this with flexbox - now I want to make it editable via C5 for "non-coders".
Have you checked this one?
It looks like same as you required as well as free of cost also.
It looks like same as you required as well as free of cost also.
Yeah good hint!
More or less what I need except that Decription stuff - will have to rewrite some of the view.php but looks promising! Thank you!
More or less what I need except that Decription stuff - will have to rewrite some of the view.php but looks promising! Thank you!
Jordanlev has a gallery editing boilerplate/starter on Github that many developers have used to do the add/edit interface for galley packages.
Really nice!
Gonna give that a try, looks like a pretty individual helper - thank you!
Gonna give that a try, looks like a pretty individual helper - thank you!
Allright, using that Galleria plugin now, works pretty good so far.
I had to change the view.php a bit to show the title of the image. Now it doesn't display the description.
Core of the view.php looks like this:
The earlier version looks like this:
...whats interesting: when the description is shown inside the title of the img tag it is shown, but the title attribute of the image is not. Now I changed it so the title is visible but now the description is lost :D
I had to change the view.php a bit to show the title of the image. Now it doesn't display the description.
Core of the view.php looks like this:
The earlier version looks like this:
...whats interesting: when the description is shown inside the title of the img tag it is shown, but the title attribute of the image is not. Now I changed it so the title is visible but now the description is lost :D