Image Path Problems

If I go to none of my uploaded images show up, but I can also get to my site by going to a hosted directory where the images I uploaded actually do show up.

I can see that the issue is the image path. The current path is, but I need it to be

How can I fix this?

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
If you look under /config/site.php, there is a DIR_REL variable. You can change this to your specified path. In your case I believe this should be empty so it will go to the root of your domain.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
The newer versions of C5 don't really use the DIR_REL stuff anymore. I think it has something to do with the fact that the host might be crashing. is throwing a lot of errors at the moment so I'm not sure how well it's serving it's child sites.
DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
DIR_REL is still available to use, which is why I thought that would be the problem. It could be that the image block is customized to have image paths include that subfolder. Only things that come to mind. Of course it could be the host like you said.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
You can certainly specify a DIR_REL in [root]/config/site.php but the new versions of C5 are very good at 'sniffing' for this info.

I would also have a look at the .htaccess file. I would rename the existing .htaccess file temporarily and then toggle Pretty URL's off and back on again to re-create a new .htaccess file. Sometimes there are odd redirects in the existing .htaccess file left over from earlier configuration attempts.
drummer392 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have some PHP that is looking for a database that I haven't linked up right. Those are the errors that you are seeing!

Thanks so much for the insight on the DIR_REL