Image Problems

Hello, I am brand new to C5 so I apologize if the answer to my question is readily accessible somewhere (I can't find it).

I am trying to make a header with a logo (image file). I can't seem to change the position of the image, it just stays near the left hand side. Below my header and the navigation menu there is another box that i subdivided into 3 columns so I could insert 3 images. Everything looks ok until I click 'preview', at which point all the content is shifted up to the top of the page (ex: images from the 3 box down now appear up with the logo at the top of the page). How can I fix this?

Thank you

mikefatty replied on at Permalink Reply

Did u wrap the logo inside the header? do u have an URL så i can see it?

rdtomowave replied on at Permalink Reply
I did not wrap anything, as far as I know, and i'm not even sure what you're referring to. Here is a link: . thank you for helping!