Image Slider Concrete5
So i was building a site in Concrete5.
and i must say i kinda hate the image slider.... it makes the rest of the page beneath jump, if uneven sized images are used, it mashes the text and image in a big jump a well... it becomes a mess, so i started hacking and slashing abit away at the css for it
for the view.css in the image slider block.
not sure if it's any use to anyone, but i think this works much better, even tho it also have some other limitations...
but this will essentially allow any image thrown in the slider to work well, no matter the size or text written, as long as the text isn't to long.
and i must say i kinda hate the image slider.... it makes the rest of the page beneath jump, if uneven sized images are used, it mashes the text and image in a big jump a well... it becomes a mess, so i started hacking and slashing abit away at the css for it
for the view.css in the image slider block.
not sure if it's any use to anyone, but i think this works much better, even tho it also have some other limitations...
but this will essentially allow any image thrown in the slider to work well, no matter the size or text written, as long as the text isn't to long.
/*! v1.54.1 by @viljamis reedited by ParanoiAl*/ .ccm-image-slider { position: relative; height: 320px; } .ccm-image-slider-text { position: absolute; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px white, 0 0 25px white, 0 0 5px white; width: 45%; left: 20; top: 10%; } .ccm-image-slider-title { margin-top:auto; }
Viewing 15 lines of 30 lines. View entire code block.
and happy 8th anniversary (with concrete5) to me!