image menu

Is a way to have images for menu items? I know a lot of times my company uses different fonts don't go well with web capability. So i have to use images instead. also hover over images. any thoughts?

kutis replied on at Permalink Reply
create a new autonav template, and the images uploaded via ftp..

that's what i did forhttp:// (left hand panel.. put your mouse over it)
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
I this the kind of thing you are looking for?
griebel replied on at Permalink Reply
I use Facelift to render .ttf or .otf fonts for some clients. You need gdlib on your webserver, facelist is open source and free.
I use it for navigation and headers. Fontimages are cached on your own webserver, and all fontsettings are loaded from your typography.css.
Works perfectly with Concrete5 frontend and backend.

Download facelift here:

Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) to <span> elements and everything in between!
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I need a easy way to use this font or images as my nav. attached is the image. Is there a easy way to do this?
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
then you text indent the actual text for seo purposes (usually margin-left: -9999px.

The collection attribute of file is actually a file object, and I believe i gave you the code once to grab this for your project for sonoma. The same general thing applies here.