Import/Export Express entities

Hi all,

I'm wondering if there's a way to export (and then import) Express objects. That is, the Express object definition (attributes, etc), it's forms, associations, and then even the entries of the object. I'd then like to reimport these on a different (live) version of my website.

My scenario is I have 4 carefully designed Express objects, each with a few entries, custom forms, which all work nicely but took a bit of back and forth to get right. To create them all from scratch including entries would probably take days, and I'd also have to do it twice - once onto the Staging server, and once onto the Live server.

I'd be happy to export the SQL records and reimport those, if I could be sure of getting them all, and that I wouldn't be totally messing it up in future!

Thanks for any advice,

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried using the Migration Tool?